Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Dear Kambria, We are please to offer you...

ADMISSION to our graduate program for fall and certainly hope you will choose to attend...

Lots of Love,
The University of Texas-Dallas

I was pleasantly surprised when they sent this email last month since I didn't think I even finished the application to UT-D, but they offered me a scholarship too! Suddenly, Texas is a definite option for us in August. It seems like a pretty cool place to live. Of course, most of what I know about Texas I saw on TLC's t.v. show "Toddlers and Tiaras." I wonder if I could pull off the whole "pageant mom" thing? As to the actual school I would be attending, they have a good program (ranked number 12 in the nation) but I can't make any real decisions until I hear back from ASU and Hawaii... hopefully in just a few weeks. Cross your fingers for me!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

3 a.m. and bawling

I'm conscientious. I also LOVE sleep,  which means there isn't much that can keep me up until 3 a.m. when school starts at 8 o'clock that morning (yuck! cold!!!) Nonetheless, Suzanne Collins has created a masterpiece that I could not get enough of. They are really easy reads but also very well written. There is action, humor, love, death, family, suspense, fantasy, reality, depression, audacity, self-discovery, sacrifice, and they are absolutely thought-provoking. I don't think I have cried, been moved, or related to a book like that since I was ten and finished my first real novel: Where the Red Fern Grows.

But that's just me. Maybe you will love them too. READ THEM!