Saturday, February 6, 2010


Sometimes I wish Barbara was here. Licking wires and sharing her black cat Barbie and scraping away at an apple with her one front tooth. She makes me laugh. I love kids. I love crazy kids! I hope I have some of my own. I hope I get to work with kids when I graduate.


Em said...

That's the scariest thing I've ever seen... yikes! Kids do make life interesting!

Anonymous said...

Fun times. I agree with Em scary Cat lady!

Lari said...

How strange! I only saw the cute little girl. I didn't even SEE the cat. The words were like a poem, like a word picture, a piece of art! You are very good at expressing yourself.

Shums said...

at first i thought the cat/doll was part of her shirt. you know, attached. i would have liked a shirt like that! you could comb your shirt and braid it's hair when you got bored.