Thursday, July 15, 2010

For the Beauty

You know that charming scene in Little Women where all the sisters and Marmy gather round the piano in their rag curls and old nightgowns? They sing "For the Beauty of the Earth," light their candle, leave Marmy with a kiss and one-by-one continue up the stairs and off to bed. That's how Veracruz was. I mean, the song is how Veracruz was, but referencing it in Little Women adds the charm factor. In other words, we loved this vacation.

We started at dawn on the beach. Really, the ocean is unmatched in it's majesty. I sit and watch it for hours and it still leaves me amazed. It's hard to see it and not think of God and His grandeur. I love it. I always thought that if a guy wanted me to marry him, he would have to propose on the beach because nothing is more thoughtful or romantic. Girls... So silly. 

We also saw some more ruins, which quite honestly didn't come close to Palenque so I was a little critical. From here, we went to the Veracruz LDS Temple. It was good and despite the awkwardness that can come from language barriers, it was a wonderful, much-needed experience. We also went to the Veracruz Aquarium which was SO COOL!!! I sound like a 7-year-old on their first field trip but seriously, I never realized how many amazing creations God has filled our beautiful earth with. Example:
The Blind Eye Tetra! For real!? That is a fish with no eyes. Crazy. And so cool! I also loved the mini jelly-fish things. I stood and watched a 3ft glass box with hundreds of them for at least 15 minutes. They were unreal! Oh and speaking of real or unreal... they currently have a Ripley's Believe It Or Not exhibit in the same building and it was one of my favorite museums I've ever seen. Pictures don't do anything justice, so we stopped taking them after about 3 minutes, regrettably. We did get this one though:
Can you guess what it is? Good job! It's a chastity belt!
Oh, and this was cool too. Some guy created a lovely painting as he swam across the English Channel. Who thinks of such things??
Be grateful for all the fascinating and even mundane creations all around you. They really are SO COOL!


Rhonda said...

the pictures are great! Sounds like a really neat time.

Who knew there was a fish that had no eyes? Not me! COOLNESS!

natalli said...

I'm just going to have to correct you, because I watched little women like yesterday. I'm 98% sure they sing that song when they are holding hands and walking around in a circle outside. They show Amy grown up for the first time, and Christian Bale keeps eying Jo. Fortunately, it's nearly as charming as the candle part (I believe for that they are singing a Christmas song.. Angels we have heard on high?)

SammiLee said...

Are those your pictures in the creepy formaldehyde jars! THAT IS SO EPIC! And I think that James looks good in his church clothes too. Although probably not in the same way....ha. Love you both!

Shums said...

that fish is disgusting! i get the creeps from creatures without eyes. wish we could go on a fun trip!

Kambria Smith Robinson said...

ah shucks! You're right, nat

s.s. bazodi said...

Natalli is partially right. Probably because I used to make her watch it with me to fall asleep when I was in Jr. High. They sing "for the beauty" at megs wedding- and they sing something like "ding dong merrily along" idk.