Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Baby, Baby Run and Tell That!"

So, I've been running lately. Now, before any of you do a doubletake to check if you are really reading Kambria Smith's blog, I should tell you it's only about two miles everyday, inconsistantly. Well, on Saturday my brothers were home when I returned from my little run and one stopped laughing long enough to ask, "Why do you run like that?"Unbeknowns to me, he and his friend had been driving as I ran alongside the road (yes I run outside...I'm just that crazy). I guess I didn't quite have the physique and stamina of the runners above, which prompted my brother's tactless question. I know he wasn't trying to be rude, so I decided to just ignore the last two words of it and ponder. Why do I run? Well, I tend to justify adding one of the freshly baked brownies (which always seem to be around) and Mom's homemade fudge sauce to my ice cream on days I run. Let's be honest, I'd probably still eat it and so that's why I run.

Since Ukraine, though, and since "adjusting" sometimes the only answer has been to get up and run. There are some inevitables tied to running.
I love that when I run I can't keep my heart and lungs from growing stronger.
I love that when I run I can't deny the permanant connection between the physical, spiritual, and mental.
I love that when I run, I rely on positive thinking.
I love that one more step can turn into miles.
I love having an end in mind and watching myself get there.
I love that when I run, the next day it is easier.
I love gaining a testimony, by DOING, that growth and improvement is a process.
I'm SO ready for a particular "process" in my life right now to be done. However, I'm seeing for myself that if I keep getting up and "running," there's no way the end can NOT come, and there's no way when I get there that I will not be much, much stronger.

D&C 130: 20-21
20 There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—
21 And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.

I'm grateful for absolutes.


Bitter Larry said...

I haven't been able to run as much lately because it's 800 degrees outside and I've been busy w/ work, but the two things I've always liked about running are that I do some of my best thinking/meditating when I run and that I feel better mentally (and in some ways physically) when I'm done than when I started. (Although when I ran track in high school, I typically hated having all that time to think about how much pain I was in during the 2-mile and felt like I was going to cough up a lung by the time it was over).

Thanks for making me think on a little deeper level, too - I needed that today.

Have a good trip up to UT - hope you have a good, low-stress semester.


Jed said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jed said...

Sorry, I'll try that again.

Run Kami run! What a great post. I must say that running is great therapy for me. Why pay someone when I can just talk amungst my different personalities and jam to some music to boot. I seem to bring clarity to anything I may be facing.

Any by the way, two miles is great. Dont sell yourself short.

Later cuz

Anonymous said...

Good for you Kami! I admire the strength that you have and I am not talking physical. The thoughtfulness you have had for Red and our family is awesome. I enjoyed having lunch with you the other day and wish you the best in school. Keep up your posts so we know whats going on with you. Take care

hillary nicole said...

kami that is so awesome! recently I've been running too! And if you were to ask me a year ago if I would run consistently I'd say you were crazy... but it's true! Doesn't it feel amazing to have that kind of rush and stamina? keep it up!