Saturday, February 12, 2011

3 a.m. and bawling

I'm conscientious. I also LOVE sleep,  which means there isn't much that can keep me up until 3 a.m. when school starts at 8 o'clock that morning (yuck! cold!!!) Nonetheless, Suzanne Collins has created a masterpiece that I could not get enough of. They are really easy reads but also very well written. There is action, humor, love, death, family, suspense, fantasy, reality, depression, audacity, self-discovery, sacrifice, and they are absolutely thought-provoking. I don't think I have cried, been moved, or related to a book like that since I was ten and finished my first real novel: Where the Red Fern Grows.

But that's just me. Maybe you will love them too. READ THEM!


Em said...

I loved those books! I need to find a good book for book club next month. Any suggestions?

Shay said...

I totally agree- SO GOOD!

Lari said...

We are kindred spirits!!! I did the same thing when I read them except book 3 wasn't out yet. I also wept at the end of where the red fern grows....when you learn WHAT is where the red fern grows. Yes, those books are amazing. I have a new heroine who replaces Lizzie. Ok well, maybe they will make movies of the books. I hope so!!!!!